Monday, 13 April 2009

Bite-Sized News Round-Up

With Peaches’ fifth studio album I Feel Cream scheduled for release on May 4th, the video for lead single Talk To Me finally hit the interweb a few days ago. While we’re lovin’ the electro experimentalist’s new do, we're not so keen on the rather uneventful video.

It seems PJ Harvey will be performing sans guitar or piano for her upcoming tour with John Parish. She made the announcement to the Guardian during the pair’s takeover a couple of weeks ago, stating that JP will be performing alongside a full backing band, allowing her to concentrate on her vocals. You can watch the full interview here.

No Doubt’s cover of Stand And Deliver (originally an 80s hit by Adam And The Ants) has been leaked online. To be honest we’re not feeling it. Check it out below and see what you think.

Poor Courtney Love. Our favourite troubled singer is claiming that millions of dollars have gone missing, and suspects the money has been pillaged by some of her former staff. Apparently, she was too fucked to notice, but she’s sobered up now (ahem) and is hoping to reclaim her lost fortune in court. We wish her all the best!


Adem With An E said...

My favourite track on the new Peaches album is, by far and away, "Lose You." Which I would probably say is in her Top 3 songs to date. Really spectacular stuff.

Poor Courtney. WHERE IS THAT ALBUM!!?!?!?

Unknown said...

I've heard a few tracks off the new album but not been too impressed by them to be honest.

As for Courtney, God knows when or if this second album is gonna out. I hope it does, she's an amazing songwriter.