Thursday, 27 August 2009

New Music: KiD A

We might be a little tardy on this, but Helen Of Troy… firmly believes that late is better than never, so we’d like to introduce you to the marvellous KiD A, aka Anni T, whose debut single, wasnotwas, was released on June 15th. Wasnotwas is a delicious slice of scuzzy, repetetative electro-pop aided by Anni’s sweet but sultry drawl.

This Virginia-born singer, composer and producer has been working with dan le sac on forthcoming EP In A Dream House, We All Ride Carousels, which promises to be another example of near-perfect electro-pop.

Head to for a listen (we especially like the EEPROM ‘on fire’ remix).

Watch this space!

Monday, 17 August 2009

The Backlash Has Begun

Helen Of Troy hates to monger doom, but after reading Dan Cairn’s insightful prediction for the future of female pop we can’t help but think that the current comparatively wide-open windows of opportunity for female musicians might be slowly closing.

Cairns sees the Mercury Prize nomination of Florence And The Machine, La Roux, Bat For Lashes, Lisa Hannigan and Speech Debelle (pictured) as the first nail in the coffin for interesting lady pop, as the outsiders become the insiders and pop, inevitably, eats itself. Of course, as Cairns states, interesting female artists will still be making music, but a record company exec is less likely to take a chance on a new interesting lady artist when the zeitgeist lies elsewhere.

Helen Of Troy is currently undecided as to whether this industry shift will bring positive or negative results. While we’d hate to see any truly talented musician turned down because their face doesn’t fit, we equally hate to see shitehawke musicians succeed just because theirs does.

Whatever happens, it would be nice to think that, even when the fickle wheel of fortune points again to boys with guitars, some genuine headway has been made for boundary-pushing women in pop/rock over the past five years. Only time (and second and third albums) will tell, but here at Helen Of Troy… we’re feeling pretty positive.

Sunday, 9 August 2009

New Music: Amanda Blank

Thanks to super-cool dedicated blogger Sheena Beaston, Helen Of Troy... has rediscovered the awesomeness of fierce electro-rapper Amanda Blank. Based in Philadelphia, the 26 year-old down-and-dirty emcee released her long-awaited debut album I Love You just last week. Widely known for being a serial collaborator, it came as no surprise to learn that the hedonistic hipster roped in Helen Of Troy... faves Lykke Li and Santigold, for a number of guest appearances on her aforementioned first full-length offering.

Whilst we've not had chance to listen to the album in full, banging lead single Might Like You Better and the wildly-infectious Make It Take It
both serve as good indications of what Ms Blank has to offer. Her catalogue of collaborations isn't bad either, with the likes of Bump - taken from Spank Rock's debut album YoYoYoYoYo, and her contribution to the Eli Grayson remix of Britney Spears' Gimme More, showcasing perfectly what she's capable of.

Brassy, trashy, and fabulous - we love you Amanda Blank! - Check out the album in full here.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

New Videos For Your Enjoyment - Otherwise Known As A Lame Post!

Helen of Troy... was super pleased to discover that the next single to be taken from Florence and the Machine's debut album Lungs, is the utterly amazing Drumming Song. You can check out the accompanying video below - we suspect the new sexed-up direction might be a result of Flo and co's much-deserved Mercury nomination. Thoughts anyone?

Next up we have the video for Peaches's upcoming single Serpentine - the woman is fierce! Let's hope the next single to be released will be the awesome I Feel Cream. Enjoy!